Summer Art Exercises: June 30 – Take Nine!
Take Nine!
When you go out to photograph for paintings don't just take one photograph, take nine! Rather than just having one image to rely on for an entire painting take nine images: one of your subject, above your subject, below your subject, to the upper left, lower left... You get the picture!
The more information we can give ourselves the better we will be able to pick and choose different parts of different pictures to create a stronger composition for a painting (rather than relying on a single photograph). Maybe you will find that the tree from the lower right picutre would work great in front of the barn in the center photograph, etc.
Start taking 9 and arranging them together on a table before you start sketching, you will be amazed at how helpful having more photos to refer to truly can be for us artists!
Good luck photographing!
Braitman Studio Staff
P.S. Photo albums are posted from the first two Braitman Studio workshops! You can view them on our Facebook page at: