Summer Art Exercises: July 14 – Mediums
Experimenting with different painting mediums is important when painting with oils. Mediums help to give you control of the viscosity of the oil paint. When you use mediums with your oil paint you can thin, thicken, texturize, etc. the paint to help generate the painting consistency that you desire.
If you want to work with more impasto (thick application of paint) you may try working with a cold wax medium, if you want to work with thinner oil paint you may try working with turpentine, and so on. Learning about and trying new mediums helps you to figure out how to create the paint consistencies that you like best!
We have listed favorite mediums of some of the Braitman Studio art instructors below. Feel free to research, buy and try some new mediums this summer!
Popular Oil Painting Mediums of Braitman Studio Art Instructors:
Stand Oil Linseed Oil Liquin Damar Varnish Japan Dryer Refined Linseed Oil Dorland's Cold Wax Res-n-gel Turpentine Copal Medium Gamblin Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits Gamblin Gamvar
Also, please note that our "Color Theory" and "Portrait" workshops begin this week! We can't wait to see everyone at these great workshops!
Another special workshop coming up is the "Putting It All Together: What Happens After Fundamentals" workshop that takes place on July 24-26. This workshop is designed to act as a "bridge" between fundamentals and intermediate painting. Instructors Kelley Brugh and Allison Chambers will work with you to reinforce basic and important concepts such as brushstrokes, color mixing and the importance of value. You will complete 2 to 3 paintings in this workshop while pushing further into the realm of intermediate painting. If you haven't already signed up for this workshop please call 704.846.1369 to sign up today!
Braitman Studio Staff