Summer Art Exercises: July 28 – Switch It Up

Switch It Up

The Summer Art Exercise this week is to switch it up with your tools. Take a study or a painting that you have completed with a brush and try to do the exact same painting with a pallet knife (or vs versa). You already have the pallet, composition and values figured out for the painting - we are just changing the tool we use to create it.

The more comfortable and versatile you become with several tools the more interesting your paintings will be!

So switch it up this week and build your painting skill set by focusing on developing your painting strokes with a different tool!

Good luck!

Braitman Studio Staff

P.S. Be sure to click on the link below to view the new album from our recent "Putting It All Together: What Happens After Fundamentals" workshop with instructors Kelley Brugh and Allison Chambers!