Summer Art Exercises: August 25 – Mix and Match

Mix and Match

Violet Swatch

To build confidence and efficiency with your color mixing skills mix and match the color above! As mentioned in a previous color mixing exercise, begin with seeing what dominant color you notice first (especially if it is one that you can’t mix, like a primary color). For example, if you see blue next ask yourself if that blue is a warm blue (like Ultramarine Blue) or a cool blue (like Pthalo). Then ask yourself what additional colors do you see in the paint chip, add those, etc. until your pile of mixed paint matches the chip.

If you need more guidance or want to try another mix and match exercise please check out our Summer Art Exercise from June 23, 2013 titled "Mix It Up (Color Mixing)!"

Enjoy mixing and have a great end to summer! We hope you have enjoyed our "Summer Art Exercises" as much as we have liked them. We would love to hear from you so please feel free to comment below!

Mix away!

Braitman Studio Staff

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