Get to Know the Braitman Studio Instructors!
We want to take a moment to both thank and highlight our incredible instructors here at Braitman Studio! We have a talented group of artists on our staff who are trained and genuinely interested in helping you discover and develop your personal style.
Click on the links below to find, explore, like and follow this fantastic group of both artists and teachers! Also, to view the Braitman Studio workshops our instructors are offering this summer, click here!
We thank YOU for being a part of Braitman Studio and allowing us the unique opportunity to help you learn and grow as an artist.
Braitman Studio Staff Phone: 704.846.1369 9313 Monroe Rd., Suite C Charlotte, NC 28270
Andy Braitman:
- Braitman Studio Owner: Currently teaches the Landscape, Intermediate Painting, Open Painting, Creative Concepts in Painting, Modern Art and Creative Figure Classes and SIX workshops at Braitman Studio this summer
- Andy Braitman's Website
- Braitman Studio
- Braitman Studio Facebook
- Braitman Studio Pinterest
Kelley Brugh:
- Braitman Studio Instructor: Currently teaches the Landscape and Intermediate Painting Classes and the Composition through Dynamic Still Life Workshop at Braitman Studio this summer
- Kelley Brugh's Website
- Kelley Brugh's Facebook
- Kelley Brugh's Instagram
- Kelley Brugh's Pinterest
Nicholas Stewart:
- Braitman Studio Instructor: Currently teaches the Surface and Materials, Open Painting, Modern Art, Creative Figure and Teen Classes and Teen and Contemporary Figure Workshops at Braitman Studio this summer
- Nicholas Stewart's Website
Allison Chambers:
- Braitman Studio Instructor: Currently teaches Fundamentals I & II Classes and the Fundamentals of Oil Painting and Waterscapes: Follow-the-Leader Workshops at Braitman Studio this summer
- Allison Chamber's Website
Ian Wegener:
- Braitman Studio Instructor: Currently teaches the Teen Classes
- Ian Wegener's Art Website
- Ian Wegener's Queen City Jacks Website
- Ian Wegener's Facebook
- Ian Wegener's Queen City Jacks Facebook Page
- Ian Wegener's Bio and Statement_2013
Mary MacMillan:
- Braitman Studio Instructor: Currently teaches the Fundamental I & II Classes
- Artwork Image
Clark Hawgood:
- Braitman Studio Instructor: Currently teaches the Teen Class
- Artwork Image
Braitman Studio Staff Phone: 704.846.1369 9313 Monroe Rd., Suite C Charlotte, NC 28270